Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people. 尼基作为公共关系主管,需要花很多时间与别人打交道。
"Shamrock" Shelly Cleaver is the public relations director for the Edsel Owners Club in the United States. “三叶草”ShellyCleaver是美国Edsel车主俱乐部的公关总监。
Since1930s, America has recommended public joint stock companies to establish "non-employee director". 自1930年起,美国就一直鼓励公众股份制公司成立“非雇员董事”。
However, a third of all jobs in NGOs are never publicized, according to Huang Xuan, a public director at the Green Pine Growth Fund in Shenzhen. She says that unsolicited applications get more attention if they are addressed to the right person in an NGO. 而深圳松禾成长关爱基金外联主管黄萱(音译)则表示,有大约三分之一的非政府组织职位是从不对外公布的。她说,主动投来的简历一旦投对了人,会倍受关注。
The material is valuable to researchers, but the Internet Archive wanted to make it easy to use so the general public can go back and see what that day was like, said Brewster Kahle, the organization's director. 该机构的主管布鲁斯特卡利表示,这些资料对研究人员来说价值很高,但互联网档案馆想让大家都能便捷地看到,这样普通公众就能回顾这起恐怖袭击事件。
Robert Schaefer is public education director for the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, an activist group. 罗伯特·谢法是全国公平与公开考试中心的公共教育主任,该考试中心是一个激进组织。
I will leave it to the court to decide whether a public company director could behave like that. 对于一家公开上市公司的董事能否如此行事,我将让法庭来决定。
We think [ training] increases the likelihood children will be safer in care, said Grace Reef, Child Care Aware's public policy director. But it's also about healthy [ child] development. 我们觉得增加培训可以提高孩子看护的安全度,美国儿童看护意识的公共政策主管格蕾丝·丽芙说,同时还关乎到儿童的健康成长。
Still, 'It seems like a moment in time where the big brands are choosing to take a public position for sustainability,' said Michael Lenihan, director of sales and customer relations at International Paper. 不过,似乎现在大品牌都选择站在公众立场来关注可持续发展,InternationalPaper销售与客户关系总监迈克尔?勒尼汉(MichaelLenihan)说。
The city already has asked some public workers to take a pay cut, and delayed filling several high-level positions, such as economic development director, to save on labor costs, Kirksey said. 这个城市已经提出了一些公众工人采取减薪,并推迟填补一些高级别职务,如经济发展主任,节约劳动力成本,Kirksey说。
The traditional salary allotment method of the director of public hospital was not propitious to prompting the positivity of director for it is lack relation to the perform. 目前,我国公立医院院长的薪酬制度由于未能与院长的绩效挂钩,不利于激励院长的积极性。
Frances Baum is Head of Department and Professor of Public Health at Flinders University and Foundation Director of the South Australian Community Health Research Unit. FrancesBaum是弗林德斯大学公共卫生系主任和教授以及南澳大利亚社区卫生研究处的创始主任。
Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat, the Center for Disease Control's interim science and public health deputy director, said there are more effective ways to curb the spread of the virus. 美国疾病控制中心负责科研和健康事务的代理主任舒哈特说,美国有比关闭边境更有效的方法来防范病毒的蔓延。
Contact the television station in your area and ask for the public service director or the community affairs director. 与你们的区域的电视台联系并与公共服务主任或社区事务主任见面。
The award caught public attention more than a month ago when it gave a controversial nomination to Chinese film director Chen Kaige. 一个月前当提名中国倍受争议的电影导演陈凯歌获此殊荣时,引起了公众的关注。
Deputy Transitional Administrator for Governance and Public Administration Director of Investigation ( Private Sector) [ Independent Commission Against Corruption] 主管施政和公共行政副过渡行政长官执行处处长(私营机构)〔廉政公署〕
"The public is not helping at the moment," said Barbara O'Connor, director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and Media at Sacramento State. “市民是没有帮助的时刻,”奥康纳说,巴巴拉研究所所长研究政治和媒体在萨克拉门托的国家。
One explanation for the country's progress is that the public sector apparatus continued to function amid turmoil, says World Bank Nepal country director Susan Goldmark. 世界银行尼泊尔局局长SusanGoldmark说,尼泊尔取得进展的原因之一是其公共机构在动荡期间继续运转。
"The commission is either completely misreading or wilfully ignoring the public mood around Europe," its director Mats Persson said, describing the proposal as a" PR disaster ". 董事帕森说到:“委员会完全误解或者是刻意忽略了围绕着欧洲的公共情绪。”他把这个建议形容为“公关危机”。
Mrs Lo is the public face of China International Fund and China Sonangol. She is listed as a director of dozens of interconnected companies. 罗女士是中国国际基金和安中资源的公开任务,她被几十家相互关联的公司列为董事。
Before showing it to the public, the director wants us to tear the film to shreds and then make it better. 在公开展映前,导演希望我们可以毫不留情地评价这部电影,然后将其改得更加出色。
During constructing harmonious tour, there is a game relation in protecting and supervising the public resources between the Director Departments of government and exploitation corporations of tour. 摘要在构建和谐旅游的过程中,政府主管部门与旅游开发商之间在面对公共资源的保护与监督方面存在着博弈关系。
At a ceremony in Washington, DC the evening of16 June, the world's largest public health prize was presented to TDR Director Dr Robert Ridley. 在6月16日晚间于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区举行的颁奖仪式上,热带病研究和培训特别规划负责人RobertRidley博士代表该规划接受了这项全球最大的公共卫生奖。
The California Public Employees Retirement System's ( CALPERS), definition of independent director excludes former employees who have served in an executive capacity in the last five years. 加利福尼亚州公共雇员退休系统(CALPERS)对独立董事的定义排除了在过去的五年内处于管理地位的前任雇员。
Otherwise, we find corporate value of family owned public firms in China is negative correlative with control right and corporate size, and it is irrelevant to the rate of outside director to directorate, the size of liability and ROE. 我国家族上市公司价值与控制权比例显著负相关,与独立董事人数占董事会比例、负债规模、净资产收益率均不相关,与公司规模显著负相关;
The article discusses the independent director characteristics that are specialty and public supervision and studies the independent director's compensation system with new views. It will be positive helpful with the study and the implementation of independent director's motivation system and compensation system. 本文从新的角度专业性和公共监督对独立董事的薪酬制度进行了理论探讨,为独立董事的激励制度和薪酬制度的研究和实施提供了积极的探索。
In order to protect the profit of shareholder, creditor and public bitterly, it should limit the Director authority and Director liability according to the law, which reflects some balance. 为了防止董事职权的滥用,为了更好的保护股东、债权人与社会公众的利益,以法律的形式对董事职权与董事责任加以严格限定,是对责任与职权的一种制度平衡。
On the ground of theory analyzing, this dissertation uses the public trust theory to re-constitute the independent director system of our country. 在此理论分析的基础上,围绕公共信托理论,重新架构了我国的独立董事制度。
Gordon white of the original work and a series of rewrite, and with the movie box office and win public praise, entering the mainstream American film director ranks. 王颖对原著进行了一系列增删和改写,并以这部电影赢得票房和口碑,跻身美国主流电影导演行列。